Hello! I am Miss Wu. I am an English teacher. Time flies! I am so grateful that I can teach the lovely students and grow together with all of them. I like reading and travelling a lot. I enjoy sharing my travel experience and the good books I read with my students. I like the quote ‘Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it’[Proverbs 22:6]. With the love and faith, I would like to pass on appropriate values to our kids and nurture them as righteous and thoughtful people who treat others with love and respect. I believe our students will enjoy their school life and develop their talents here. Wish you all a fruitful year.
你們好!我是李秀媚老師,感謝神!我在秀德小學已任教多年。 閒時我喜愛閱讀及遠足,因為閱讀可以讓我擴闊眼界、增進知識,而遠足可以讓我親親大自然,欣賞神創造美好的世界。盼望在日後的日子,繼續與你們一起學習、一同成長。
I am is Miss Tang. It is my pleasure to teach in Sau Tak Primary School. The learning atmosphere in here is friendly and vibrant. I like reading and playing the piano in my free time. I enjoy sharing interesting books with my students. I love going on vocations anywhere there is a museum or an aquarium. May god fill us with wisdom and blessings. I look forward to having a wonderful school year with all of you.
大家好!我是莊依琳老師。相信大家都知道「地球之肺」──亞馬遜雨林──的事。本應是地球上最綠的地方,現在卻被燒得一片通紅。人類到底對它做了些甚麼?我們不斷學習各種學問和知識,但我們有沒有好好運用這些學識呢?上帝讓我們作地球的管家,但我們有沒有好好管理和愛護這片土地呢? 「敬畏耶和華是智慧的端,認識至聖者便是聰明。」(箴言9:10)。 願秀德的同學們都能認識上帝,學習真誠地與人溝通、與大自然和平相處、合宜地管理自己──學會尊重每一個生命,成為榮神益人的秀德人。
Hi everyone! I am Miss Liu. Through working with different students, I could see how amazing our God creates. Every child is unique and precious. May God give me the strength not only to teach, but also be a good facilitator helping students to reach their utmost and discover their inner resource. Let me share one of my favorite quotes with you, ‘I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.’ (Philippians 4:13) God bless you and may His light shines upon you all.
大家好!我是劉俊杰老師。今年我在秀德小學任教中文、普通話及人文科。 劉老師平常的興趣是打籃球和拍攝風景照片。感恩今年可以陪伴秀德小學的同學共同成長。作為訓輔組的老師,劉老師希望你們能更自律、更力求上進;同學間亦能互相協助、互相扶持。希望你們能好好把握光陰,在品行及學業上都更上一層樓!
Hello everybody! I am Mr. Lorenzo (or Mr. A). I am an English teacher. It is a very fruitful experience meeting and teaching students of diverse backgrounds! I enjoy playing sports and spontaneous adventures. I can't wait to embark on this journey with all the lovely students as watching them grow brings me joy and happiness everyday. Looking forward to having a joyous school year with all of you!
Hello, My name is Justin Eagle and I am the PNET at LLCST Primary School. I have been teaching at this school since 2009 and first started teaching in the PNET Scheme in Hong Kong in 2005. Before that I taught for 9 years as a Classroom teacher in various New Zealand Primary Schools. I have two daughters , one has recently graduated from LLCST Primary School whilst the youngest is still attending our school. I am very interested in all kinds of sports and enjoy cooking and learning about new cultures and their people. So if you see me around our school please say hello.
Hello! I am Mr. Numan, and I have the pleasure of teaching the Key Integration Program (KIP) to our brilliant P.4-P.6 students. As a Native English teacher with four years of experience, I've had the joy of guiding students from diverse backgrounds and varying levels of proficiency. Beyond the classroom, I believe in the power of exploration and adventure. On weekends, you can often find me driving to new destinations or hiking through nature's beauty with friends. I am passionate about learning languages and love to travel, discovering new cultures and experiences during my holidays. I am excited to inspire our students not just in English, but also in the joy of learning and exploring the world around them!